The Nurtured Mama

Prenatal & Postpartum Massage Therapy

What We Do
Enjoy massage therapy throughout your entire pregnancy! Alleviate aches and pains common throughout pregnancy; reduce stress and discomfort; rejuvenates mom and baby. All therapists are certified in prenatal massage. Only 100% organic jojoba oil used.

Prenatal Services

Postpartum Services
Massage Services
Massage can be performed safely at any stage of pregnancy, from early on to beyond your due date. Services are typically 60 or 90 min. All prenatal massage is performed in the side-lying position.
Yoni Hydrotherapy
Vaginal steaming has been used by women all over the world as natural gynecology for centuries. Used to assist in the cleansing of the uterus, this comforting, soothing, self-loving practice treats numerous female conditions.
About Us
The Nurtured Mama exclusively supports women throughout pregnancy and beyond.
In business since 2012, The Nurtured Mama helps prego moms throughout the valley through all kinds of pregnancy ailments and postpartum recovery.
As a private business, NM offers an intimate setting, one on one support and access to a pregnancy network that includes doulas, chiropractic care, acupuncturists, midwives and more.
Services Menu
*Gift Certificates are Also Available Here
Mamas Royal Treatment
Treat Mom to 90 minutes of bliss! All mamas welcome (new mamas, gram mamas, hot mamas, prego or not mamas). Enjoy a massage with aromatherapy, reflexology and a Himalayan Salt foot/hand scrub or Hot Stones all in one treatment. Himalayan Salt has over 80 trace elements that match the human body. It is excellent to re-mineralize the skin and help reduce joint and muscle soreness.
90 min. | $159
60 min. Massage
Prepare for Birth
This massage service utilizes relaxation, acupressure points and essential oils to help mom prepare for birth emotionally and physically with the hope of stimulating labor. This service also incorporates guided imagery and other breathing and stretching techniques for optimal outcomes. Minimum 39 + weeks pregnant and/or with OB/Midwife approval.
60 min. | $95
Post-Cesarian Lymphatic Healing
Healing from a C-Section can be a slow, painful process. When surgery disrupts the natural flow of our lymphatic system fluid builds up around the surgery site causing swelling, bruising and the development of scar tissue. Lymphatic massage gently activates the lymph system which reduces swelling, improves mobility, reduces pain and promotes the healing process. The first session is generally 2-3 weeks postpartum. To maximize benefits multiple sessions may be required. Castor Oil pack optional.
90 min. | $155
4th Trimester Healing Massage
The 4th Trimester refers to the 3 month period after giving birth. This healing massage is specifically for postpartum moms. Service incorporates lymphatic and Swedish techniques, abdominal massage and the healing properties of castor oil. Vaginal births – can be scheduled as soon as mom feels ready. Csections require a minimum of 6 weeks post birth for this service (otherwise see Lymphatic Massage for Post Cesarean for massage service 2-3 weeks after birth).
90 min. | $155
Rest, Recovery and Release
Loss of a pregnancy can be devastating and its emotional impact cannot be understated. This healing treatment uses a variety of modalities to help sooth and comfort as well as balance emotions and energy centers. Includes essential oils, energy work, restorative massage and castor oil pack.
90 min. | $115
Restorative Healing Massage – 60 min.
Breast/Lactation Massage
A massage protocol that increases milk flow, relieves engorgement, clogged and/or infected milk ducts. This technique incorporates lymphatic drainage, effleurage, acupressure and hot stones. Each clients level of modesty will be respected. This massage is for lactating women only and for a single breast only. Therapist is Certified in Breast Massage by the National Massage Board (NCTMB).
60 min. | $95
3 Package – 60 min.
Post C-Sect Lymphatic Package
4th Trimester Package
6 Package
9-month Membership
$70 – 60 min / month
$110 – 90 min / month
Our Philosophy
“Carrying a child is one of the most special times in a woman’s life. It is also an emotional roller-coaster filled with ups and downs, growing pains, weight gain and stress. Taking time out to decompress, relax and allowing your body to work its magic without any mental strain is incredibly important not only to the mother, but also to the developing child. As such, I firmly believe that although one massage from time to time is great, incorporating massage throughout ones pregnancy provides benefits beyond just physical relaxation.”
Meli Leon – Owner, LMT
Nurtured Baby – Infant Massage Techniques
Learn massage techniques to help soothe your baby. Massage helps relieve stress, colic, teething, constipation and also promotes maternal bonding. Special pricing for Nurtured Mama clients. Infant Massage Techniques Founder/Instructor/Coach/Speaker – Davonna Willis...
Postpartum Support International – Arizona Chapter
www.psiarizona.net The mission of Postpartum Support International Arizona Chapter is to promote awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every county and tribal community statewide. It is the vision of PSI Arizona Chapter...
4th Trimester Arizona
It’s time for a revolution in how we see ourselves and each other as parents. 4th Trimester Arizona was founded to support ALL parents, to be real about the challenges we face, talk about the stuff that never gets talked about, and connect our village to support each...