Located at 3295 N Drinkwater #4, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 [View Google Map]



Research has shown that massage during pregnancy can help alleviate many common ailments associated with pregnancy. Back pain, joint pain, edema, and muscle tension are just a few of these that can be alleviated with massage therapy. Studies have also shown that there is a positive correlation between birth outcomes and massage. The massage groups reported less labor times, less interventions and shorter recovery times.

All prenatal services are performed in the side lying position, or in some cases semi reclined. Side lying is the safest position for mom and baby which allows the therapist access to the areas that are typically sore (hips, low back and glutes) without adding any unnecessary stress or pressure on the abdomen.

All therapists have been trained specifically in the side lying techniques for pregnancy, including contraindications, precautions, body positioning and draping.



Prenatal Massage 60 min / 90 min

Our prenatal massage service is a full body massage in the side lying position.  Each massage is tailored to each mama, focusing on any area that needs a little extra.