Located at 3295 N Drinkwater #4, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 [View Google Map]

Yoni Hydrotherapy Natural Gynecology

Vaginal steaming has been used by women all over the world as natural gynecology for centuries. Used to assist in the cleansing of the uterus, this comforting, soothing, self-loving practice treats numerous female conditions.

Benefits from Steaming Include:

Relief from menstrual cramps, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and menopause symptoms,

Regulation of menstrual cycles,

Postpartum, miscarriage or hysterectomy recovery,

Overcoming fertility challenges,

Resolving yeast infections, vaginitis/BV and genital herpes,

Shrinking fibroids, polyps, and cysts.

Support for Endometriosis

Beginner Steams start at 10 minutes. More advanced steams last up to 30 minutes. Steam consultations available to see how and when to steam for your health.

Fertility Steams: Can be added to Restorative Massage or as a stand alone service.

Postpartum Steams: Rent a steamer or purchase herbs for your at-home postpartum recovery routine.

Got questions? Give us a call for more information or to set up a steam consultation.