Located at 3295 N Drinkwater #4, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 [View Google Map]


Nurtured Baby – Infant Massage Techniques

Nurtured Baby – Infant Massage Techniques

Learn massage techniques to help soothe your baby.  Massage helps relieve stress, colic, teething, constipation and also promotes maternal bonding.  Special pricing for Nurtured Mama clients. Infant Massage Techniques Founder/Instructor/Coach/Speaker – Davonna Willis...

Postpartum Support International – Arizona Chapter

Postpartum Support International – Arizona Chapter

www.psiarizona.net The mission of Postpartum Support International Arizona Chapter is to promote awareness, prevention and treatment of mental health issues related to childbearing in every county and tribal community statewide. It is the vision of PSI Arizona Chapter...

4th Trimester Arizona

4th Trimester Arizona

It’s time for a revolution in how we see ourselves and each other as parents. 4th Trimester Arizona was founded to support ALL parents, to be real about the challenges we face, talk about the stuff that never gets talked about, and connect our village to support each...



Matrescence guides expectant moms and their families through the 4th trimester planning process, placing moms’ emotional and physical recovery needs at the center. www.4thtrimesterplan.com