Located at 3295 N Drinkwater #4, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 [View Google Map]

Postpartum  – 4th Trimester 

The 4th trimester refers to the first three months after the birth of your baby.  This is a crucial time and can be very taxing on mom.  The lack of sleep, hormonal changes, challenges breastfeeding all while trying to heal from birth, put a considerable amount of stress on mom and dad.   In addition, traumatic birth experiences, emergency c-sections and tearing put another layer of stress on moms. Getting an hour to yourself can tremendously help moms begin to relax and heal. It is important to not under-estimate the toll this period of time can put on new parents.



4th Trimester Healing Massage

This healing, service is for the mom within the first 3 months after birth.  It incorporates Lymphatic and Swedish massage techniques, abdominal massage and the healing properties of castor oil.  Mamas with vaginal births are welcome for this service anytime they are feeling ready to get out.  C-Section mamas need a little more time for this service +/- 6 weeks or with a note from midwife/doctor – see Lymphatic Post C-Section.

Restorative Healing Massage – 60 or 90 min

For the mama who is no longer prego, this is the service for you.  Anytime mom needs some TLC and rejuvenation.  Service uses many modalities appropriate for mom to help relax and rejuvenate including, hot towels, essential oils, hot stones optional.

Lymphatic Post C-Section

C-Sections can be a slow, painful process. Lymphatic massage gently activate the lymphatic system which reduces swelling, improves mobility, reduces pain and promotes the healing process.  The first session is generally 2-3 weeks after birth.  Multiple session recommended for maximum benefits

Lactation Massage

A massage protocol that increases milk flow, relieves engorgement, clogged and/or infected milk ducts. This technique incorporates lymphatic drainage, effleurage, acupressure and hot stones. Each clients level of modesty will be respected. This massage is for lactating women only. Therapist is Certified in Breast Massage by NCTMB.

Rest, Recovery and Loss

Supports moms who have suffered the loss of a pregnancy. This service focuses on emotional healing and balance. Using essential oils, energy work, hot towels and/or stones, this therapy is soothing and calming. Available anytime mom is ready.